lvalue and rvalue references

lvalue - anything that can be placed on the left side of an expression rvalue - literals (e.g. 5), temporary values (e.g. x+1), and anonymous objects (e.g. Fraction(5, 2)).

Below we can see an example of the lvalue and rvalue references usage:

void printInt(int &a) { std::cout << "printInt with an lvalue reference" << std::endl; }
void printInt(int &&a) { std::cout << "printInt with an rvalue reference" << std::endl; }

int main()
    int a = 5; // a - lvalue
    int &b = a; // b - lvalue reference
    int &&c = 5; // c - rvalue reference initialized with an rvalue 5
    printInt(a);// call printInt(int &a)
    printInt(10);// call printInt(int &&a)
    printInt(std::move(a));// call printInt(int &&a)
    return 0;

Rvalue reference usage:

  1. Move semantic
  2. Perfect forwarding

Move semantic

When some complex objects are passed by value the copy constructor gets invoked to perform deep copy (doesn’t happen when it is passed by reference). If the object is an rvalue then we will first create this rvalue object and then perform copy constructor, then call destructor for the rvalue object. Instead of those unnecessary steps we can just move the rvalue object with move constructor.

class myVector
    myVector(int size)
    	std::cout << "constructor!\n";
    	size_ = size;
    	arr_ = new int[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
 	    arr_[i] = i;

    myVector(const myVector& rhs)
	std::cout << "Copy constructor!\n";
	size_ = rhs.size_;
	arr_ = new int[size_];
	for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++)
	    arr_[i] = rhs.arr_[i];

    myVector(myVector&& rhs)
	std::cout << "Move constructor!\n";
	size_ = rhs.size_;
	arr_ = rhs.arr_;
	rhs.size_ = 0;
	rhs.arr_ = nullptr;
	delete[] arr_;

    int size_;
    int *arr_;

myVector createMyVector()
    myVector vec(10);
    return vec;

// recieves myVector object by value (copy constructor gets invoked when lvalue object passed
// and move constructor gets invoked when rvalue object passed)
void printMyVector(myVector vec)
    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size_; i++)
    	std::cout << vec.arr_[i] << " ";

int main()
    // use move constructor
    printMyVector( createMyVector() ); // createMyVector() - returns an rvalue, so no copy performed

    //use copy construvtor
    myVector myVec = myVector(10);
    printMyVector(myVec); // myVec is an lvalue object, copy constructor is invoked to create a copy of myVec
    // use move constructor
    printMyVector(std::move(myVec)); // std::move created an rvalue from an lvalue object.
    //After move constructor call the myVec object will be empty
    return 0;

Move semantic is implemented for all STL containers.

Perfect forwarding

We would like to perform argument forwarding without costly and unnecessary copy constructor and keeping rvalue as rvalue / lvalue as lvalue.

Reference collapsing rules:

  1. T& & ==> T&
  2. T& && ==> T&
  3. T&& & ==> T&
  4. T&& && ==> T&&
template <typename T>
void relay(T&& arg)
int main()
    //use move construvtor
    relay(myVector(10)); // pass to the relay an rvalue, printMyVector will be called with an rvalue
    // T&& arg is initialized with an rvalue reference, T == myVector&& ==> T&& == myVector&& && ==> myVector&&
    //use copy constructor
    myVector myVec = myVector(10);
    relay(myVec); // pass to the relay an lvalue
    // T&& arg is initialized with an lvalue reference, T == myVector& ==> T&& == myVector& && ==> myVector&
    return 0;

So in the case above, when relay takes on an rvalue, after reference collapsing we get rvalue reference, otherwise an lvalue reference.

T&& is a universal reference if:

  1. T is a template type.
  2. Reference collapsing happens to T.

User defined literals

If we want to associate values with some metrics (m, cm, mm, …) we can define corresponding literals.

long double operator"" _cm(long double x) { return 10 * x; }
long double operator"" _m(long double x) { return 100 * x; }
long double operator"" _mm(long double x) { return x; }
int main()
{       //next values will be recalculated in run time
	long double h = 5.2_cm;
	long double h1 = 5.2_m;
	long double h2 = 502.0_mm;
	cout << h << " mm " << h1 << " mm " << h2 << " mm\n";
	return 0;

Compiler Generated Functions

C++ 03

1.Default constructor (generated only if no constuctor is defined by user)
2.Copy constructor (generated only if no 5, 6 defined)
3.Copy assignment operator (generated only if no 5, 6 defined)


5.Move constructor (generated only if no 2, 3, 4, 6 defined)
6.Move assignment operator (generated only if no 2, 3, 4, 5 defined)

So if we declare an empty class in fact we get a class with 6 compiler generated functions:

class EmptyClass


class EmptyClass
    EmptyClass(const EmptyClass &rhs);
    EmptyClass& operator=(const EmptyClass &rhs);
    EmptyClass(EmptyClass &&rhs);
    EmptyClass& operator=(EmptyClass &&rhs);

Disallow Compiler Generated Functions

In C++11 we can dissalow Compiler Generated Functions with delete modifier:

class SomeClass
    SomeClass(int a = 0) {m_a = a;};                   // define default constructor
    SomeClass(const SomeClass &rhs) = delete;          // forbid compiler to generate copy constructor
    int m_a;

In C++03 just declare unwanted functions into private section without definition:

class SomeClass
    SomeClass(int a = 0) {m_a = a;};           // define default constructor
    SomeClass(const SomeClass &rhs);          // forbid compiler to generate copy constructor

If we define destructor in private section, in order to destruct the object we need a helper function to do so. In this case we need to create the class object on heap. Creating an object on stack evantually will try to call the destructor - so this case won’t compile.


const before * - pointer to a constant data, can’t dereference the pointer and change it’s value but can change the pointer itself. const after * - constant pointer, can dereference the pointer and change the value it points to but can’t change the address it points to.

const int a = 10;
const int *p  = &a;
*p = 7; // doesn't compile
p++; // ok

int b = 11;
int * const q = &b;
*q = 12; //b = 12

Hacky way to change a constant value:

const int a = 10;
const_cast<int&>(a) = 11; // ok
const int * const func(const int * const &arg);
//1. return value is a const pointer to a const data
//2. the argument is a reference to a const pointer to a const data

Const function

A member function which doesn’t modify any member variable, can call only const functions, otherwise compiler error.

void func() const;

Const modifier can be used to overload functions:

class Test
    void func() const; //(1)
    void func();       //(2)

int main()
    Test obj;
    obj.func(); // (1)
    const Test obj2;
    obj2.func(); // (2)
    return 0;

When used as argument type modifier and arguments are passed by value can’t be used to overload functions - the case below won’t compile:

void func(int a);
void func(const int a);

When used as argument type modifier and arguments are passed by reference can be used to overload functions:

void func(int &a);         //(1) - receives lvalue reference
void func(const int &a);   //(2) - receives rvalue reference

int main()
    int a = 10;
    func(a);               //(1)
    func(5);               //(2)
    func(std::move(a));    //(2)
    return 0;

Virtual destructor

class Cat
    ~Cat() { std::cout << "Cat is destroyed\n"; }

class WhiteCat : public Cat
    ~WhiteCat() { std::cout << "WhiteCat is destroyed\n"; }

int main()
    Cat *cat = new WhiteCat;
    delete cat; // prints Cat is destroyed
    return 0;

Only part of the WhiteCat object is destroyed (base part). To fix this issue we need to declare the destructor of a base class as virtual.

class Cat
    virtual ~Cat() { std::cout << "Cat is destroyed\n"; }

class WhiteCat : public Cat
    ~WhiteCat() { std::cout << "WhiteCat is destroyed\n"; }

int main()
    Cat *cat = new WhiteCat;
    delete cat; // prints WhiteCat is destroyed
                //        Cat is destroyed
    return 0;

When at least one function in the base class is vurtual the virtual functions table, vftable is created for the class. Each object of such class will hold a pointer to this table - __vfptr (only a pointer not the copy of the table). So two objects will hold __vfptrs to the same table. When we derive a child class from a base class with virtual functions the vftable is copied from the base class and each object of the derived class will hold the __vfptr to this new table. This table will hold pointers to the functions in the base class. So, if we don’t override virtual functions of the base class inside the child class, calling them from a child class will first invoke looking at the vftable of the child class and call the corresponding function (which is base class function). If we override vurtual functions in child class then we replace vurtual functions (their addresses) in the vftable of the child class with the addresses of overriding functions in child class. This mechanism allows dynamic polymorphism.
So in the example above, when delete cat is called, as the cat holds a pointer to the WhiteCat object (which has a pointer to its own vftable), we first need to decide which destructor to invoke - look at the WhiteCat’s vftable and find the destructor address (which is the WhiteCat’s destructor). After that destructor of the Cat is also invoked.

class Cat
    virtual ~Cat() { std::cout << "Cat is destroyed\n"; }
    virtual void func() { std::cout << "Some function\n"; }

class WhiteCat : public Cat
    ~WhiteCat() { std::cout << "WhiteCat is destroyed\n"; }

int main()
    Cat *cat1 = new Cat;
    Cat *cat3 = new Cat;
    Cat *cat2 = new WhiteCat;
    delete cat1;
    delete cat2;
    delete cat3;
    return 0;

The cat1 and cat2 objects hold vfptrs to the same vftable - address is 0x00007ff7155cb858. Inside this table there are addresses of two functions - destructor 0x00007ff71555d48d and func() 0x00007ff71555ec11.
The cat3 object holds a vfptr to a different vftable - address is 0x00007ff7155cb8a8. Inside this table there are addresses of two functions - destructor 0x00007ff71555f030 and func() 0x00007ff71555ec11. The destructor address is different from the cat1/2s objects as it is overriden with the WhiteCats destructor. The address of the func() function is the same because it’s left untouched in the WhiteCat class.

Another solution to correct object destruction is to use shared_ptrs:

class Cat
    ~Cat() { std::cout << "Cat is destroyed\n"; }

class WhiteCat : public Cat
    ~WhiteCat() { std::cout << "WhiteCat is destroyed\n"; }

int main()
    shared_ptr<Cat> cat = make_shared<WhiteCat>();
    return 0;  // prints WhiteCat is destroyed
               //        Cat is destroyed

Static polymorphism

Dynamic polymorphism suffers from some runtime overhead. We can eliminate it by staticly resolving which method to invoke.
We have some inheritance structure (Base->Derrived) (1), base class defines some generic algorithm which is used by derrived class (2) and derrived class customizes this generic algorithm (3).

template <typename T>
class Base
    Base(std::string name) : name_(name) {};
    void process() // generic algorithm

    const std::string & getName()
	return name_;
    void do_special_op()
	std::cout << "Special ops in Base on " << name_ << std::endl;
    std::string name_;	

class Derrived : public Base<Derrived> // derived is inhereted from template of Base
    Derrived(std::string name) : Base(name) {};

    void do_special_op() // customize the generic algorithm
	std::cout << "Special ops in Derrived on " << getName() << std::endl;

int main()
    Derrived obj("123");
    obj.process(); // prints Special ops in Derrived on 123
    return 0; 

Public, Protected and Private inheritance

Suppose we have Base class and Derrived_pub, Derrived_prot, Derrived_priv which are childs of the Base with public, protected and private inheritance.
Derrived_pub inherets public and protected members as public and protected, has no access to the private members of Base. Outside the class we still can access public interface of Base through Derrived_pub object.
Derrived_prot inherets public and protected members as protected, has no access to the private members of Base. Outside the class we can’t access public interface of Base through Derrived_prot object (but Childs of this class can).
Derrived_priv inherets public and protected members as private, has no access to the private members of Base. Outside the class we can’t access public interface of Base through Derrived_priv object (Childs of this class also don’t have access).

class B
	void func_pub() { std::cout << "func_pub\n"; }
	void func_prot() { std::cout << "func_prot\n"; }
	void func_priv() { std::cout << "func_priv\n"; }

class D_pub: public B
	void func()
		//func_priv(); // inaccessible
class D_prot : protected B
	void func()
		//func_priv(); // inaccessible
class D_priv : private B
	void func()
		//func_priv(); // inaccessible